Monday, March 19, 2012


(NaturalNews) Increasing vitamin D may now be a matter of life or death, as recent studies have shown that it may play a vital role in the fight against lung cancer. To date, lung cancer is one of the three most common cancers that kill men and women in developed countries with a statistic of one million deaths every year.

Researchers from the University of California at San Diego discovered a correlative relationship between higher rates of lung cancer and less exposure to the sun.

Cancer and vitamin DThe study compared data from national and international databases and compared the lung cancer rates in 111 countries. It found a correlation with smoking, lung cancer and significant lower UVB exposure. Although the current study focused only on lung cancer, research conducted on other cancers have pointed to the fact that most cancer cases are seen in subjects living far from the equator, suggesting that lower levels of vitamin D also account for a high risk of colon and other cancers.

Traditionally, vitamin D was thought to be mostly responsible for bone health and was the medical answer to the rickets phenomenon decades ago. More recent findings have shown that the body has cells and tissues which contain vitamin D receptors necessary for its proper functioning, spurring a lot of interest in the potential of what it can do. The fact that it has just been discovered to prevent a spectrum of chronic diseases, cancer included, has stimulated a debate about whether it is the answer to the cancer problem that has plagued the world.

As early as 2001, the British Journal of Cancer featured a study revealing that cooked and raw fish lowered the risk of lung adenocarcinoma among the Japanese. In a more recent study of Norwegian men and women, consumption of cod liver oil was also found to protect against lung cancer. Fish and cod liver are some of the richest food sources of vitamin D.

What is vitamin D?

Curiously, vitamin D is not a vitamin but a hormone that, as earlier mentioned, affects a lot of physiological processes.

The body needs sufficient sun exposure to produce vitamin D . It can even be stored in the skin until the time when body needs it again. Strangely, it is impossible to get an overdose from sun exposure since the body has a mechanism that controls the amount it needs.

Getting vitamin D from dietary sources may not be enough, as there are not many foods naturally containing vitamin D. This leaves supplementation, which can be an option for those who may not get enough sun exposure.

The recommended intake by the US government is set at 600 IU for children and adults until 70 years of age. Adults above 70 are recommended to take 800 IU a day. A recent study appearing in the Anticancer Research Journal suggests that to be able to take advantage of cancer protection benefits, higher levels are required, or as much as 4,000 to 8,000 IU for adults per day.

Vitamin D controls cancer cells

The likely explanation for this is that vitamin D locally controls genes that help keep cancer at bay by keeping cellular proliferation in check. It has also been suggested that it can induce cell death and regeneration, reducing the potential for malignant cells to survive. Once it has done its job, it initiates its own destruction to guarantee that it does not enter circulation to influence calcium metabolism.

Andreas Moritz, a practitioner of alternative medicine and author of "Cancer is not Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism," describes cancer as the body's healing attempt when all other measures of self-preservation have failed. According to him, the reason the body allows some of its cells to become abnormal is because it attempts to heal itself. Thus, blocking its healing attempt can destroy the body while supporting it in its healing mechanisms can save it.

If Moritz is correct, how we approach cancer may hold a vital clue to its solution. The present treatment of cancer involves procedures such as chemotherapy, invasive procedure and use of pharmaceuticals. This narrow-minded focus on finding a cure practically ignores other options which have been around far longer than conventional medicine - such as the concept of a nutritional cure.

A look at the current trend in cancer treatments has seen such debilitating side effects in a patient's quality of life that it may appear to hasten a patient's decline rather improve his or her health. A patient may as well not undergo chemotherapy, as his chances of surviving without the procedure may well be higher than when he is undergoing treatment.

Nutritional care, on the other hand, seeks to work with the body's needs by providing the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to properly function. It is actually the natural way of keeping the body in balance and the best way to prevent diseases. In the event that the body's system is compromised due to illness, the body's immune system may be strengthened by taking food that naturally boost its immune system.

The alternative option, in the face of emerging research, has supported the idea of nutritional care - an empowered approach to disease that has seen many succumb to the influence of conventional medicine instead. Perhaps, it can now be said that to properly beat cancer, a needle may no longer suffice, and all that it may take is the enjoyment of life with good vitamin D-rich food and a lot of play under the sun.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Get Healthy Seminar

Each Thursday night in March & April - Begins March 1 - I will be conducting a seminar at New Life Church 3402 Goose Creek Road Louisville, Ky. on how to get and stay healthy. The cost is $10 for registration. The sessions will begin at 7 p.m. and conclude about 8:30 p.m. If interested, you may contact me at: (502) 426-3132 or email at:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Until recently, most people, including those in the medical profession, believed that vitamin D only played a role in bone health. However, newer studies show that vitamin D affects all tissues and organs of the body, including the brain. Receptors for vitamin D3 are located within the nucleus of brain cells, but also exist on the surface of cell membranes.

One of the best-known functions of vitamin D3 is its ability to regulate immune cells in the body. If immune function is depressed, vitamin D3 raises it. If immune faction is overactive vitamin D3 suppresses it. This particular property makes vitamin D3 incredibly valuable in brain protection, because so many brain disorders are the direct result of inflammation.

Newer studies have shown that vitamin D3 can activate genes in brain cells that stimulate the production of brain-repair hormones, inhibit nitric oxide production, and increase cell levels of a protective compound called glutathione.

Vitamin D3 can also suppress microglial overactivation and immunoexcitotoxicty. Microglial nitric oxide production triggers creation of a very powerful free radical called peroxynitrite, which is found in high levels with all neurodegenerative diseases.

Vitamin D3 deficiency is widespread in the United States especially among dark-skinned people and the elderly. Diet alone is a poor source of vitamin D3. Most people will need to supplement their diet during the winter months with between 5,000 – 10,000 I.U. per day.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Statin drugs lower your CoQ10 in the body. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant and, even more important, a key player in the generation of ATP, the fuel that powers life. Without adequate CoQ10, the mitochondria cannot produce energy. Statin drugs are also linked to heart failure and diabetes. A 2011 meta-analysis published in JAMA revealed that individuals who took high-dose statins had a 12 percent increased risk of developing diabetes compared to those on a moderate dose. If one chooses to take a statin drug, they should always take CoQ10 to replace what is depleted by the statin.

“For cholesterol reduction, the single most important dietary factor is fiber. Boost your intake by eating more fiber-rich beans and vegetables and adding a quarter cup of freshly ground flaxseed to your oatmeal or other foods daily. Our go-to supplement for elevated lipids is niacin, a form of vitamin B3.” Dr.Julian Whitaker.

Weight loss, exercise, fiber, niacin and other supplements that support the cardiovascular system are the real ticket to health and longevity, not overhyped drugs!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Malachi 3:8-10 says, “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”

Could it be that one reason many families are having financial problems is because they have been robbing God? It was certainly true in Malachi’s day. Their refusal to obey God in bringing their tithes into the storehouse brought about a curse in their life.

Notice that He told them to bring ALL the tithes into the storehouse. That would equate today to bringing the tithe into the church of which you are a member. Some Christians send part of their tithes to media ministries and only send a small portion to their church – this is an act of disobedience. If they feel led to send to ministries outside their church, it should be an offering above the tithe.

Notice the promise that God made them. He said if they would obey Him that He would open the windows of Heaven and pour out such blessing that they could not contain it!

I wonder what it would be like if all the members of any church were to bring their tithe to their church? Oh, I know, they would then be able to do all that God has told them to do?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


WASHINGTON, May 3, 2011- Medical research has again confirmed that cutting back on salt is hazardous to your health. A new, government-funded study in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that even modest reductions in salt intake are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and deaths. The study debunks claims by the Food and Drug Administration and others pushing for population-wide reductions in salt consumption. In addition, the increased risk of death was evident within the range recommended by the U.S. government’s Dietary Guidelines on sodium, which means U.S. citizens who follow the dietary guidelines on sodium will be at risk. “We now know conclusively that the U.S. government’s war on salt consumption will cause harm,” said Lori Roman, president of the Salt Institute.[1] “This study confirms previous research indicating that reductions in sodium lead to an increased risk of disease and death. Therefore, we call on government agencies to stop their population-wide sodium reduction agenda and amend the Dietary Guidelines on sodium.”

The study in the May4, 2011 edition of JAMA concludes that lower sodium is associated with higher mortality. “Taken together, our current findings refute the estimates of computer model of lives saved and health care costs reduced with lower salt intakes. They do also not support the current recommendations of a generalized and indiscriminate reduction of salt intake at the population level,” wrote the authors.

Other studies have shown a greater risk for diabetes on a low sodium diet. A 2010 Harvard study linked low-salt diets to an increase in insulin resistance, the condition that is a precursor to type 2 diabetes.

They have also shown that there is no link between hypotension and salt in U.S. population. If salt consumption and hypertension were linked, both would be rising. But a 2010 paper by two Harvard researchers shows that while hypertension has increased among Americans over the last 40 years, sodium consumption has remained flat.

A recent article in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests no matter how good the data produced that attacks old beliefs, it is ignored for years. Many will refuse to accept the new knowledge and they find that often, even after ten years, when an idea is completely discredited by good science, old ideas are hard to change!

So what can we do? I suggest switching from white table salt to sea salt and limit the intake to 4 grams or less per day.

[1] Salt Institute based in Alexandria, Virginia is a trade association dedicated to advocating the responsible use of salt.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


PH is a measurement of the Potential of Hydrogen in a solution. The scale runs from 0 – 14. From 0 – 6.99 indicates the solution is acidic. 7.01 – 14 says the solution is alkaline or base, with 7 being neutral. For maximum health our body PH should be 7 or above.

Human blood has to stay at 7.365 for optimal health. If something occurs that causes the blood’s PH to go down, the body will take calcium from the bones or teeth to buffer the acid thereby keeping it in its optimal range.


Coffee, tea, alcohol, soft drinks, energy drinks are all acid producing in the body. All meats are acid producing as well. Some fruits are acid producing while others are alkaline producers.


Water, some herb teas, fresh squeezed lime or lemon juice when sweetened with a natural sugar (honey, maple syrup or stevia), sodium bicarbonate (1 teaspoon of baking soda stirred into 4 ounces of water) sea salt, and all vegetables cause us to be more alkaline.

Being too acidic is the cause of many diseases today, such as osteoporosis and fibromyalgia. When one is too acidic the flow of electrical energy in the body speeds us, thereby causing tissues in various organs to weaken, wear out and die. To be alkaline on the other hand, causes one’s body to be strengthened, more energetic and live in optimal health.

Worry, being emotionally upset, and stress are also factors in being acidic.


Eat less acid foods and eat more vegetables! Drink lots of water – take your weight and divide it by two and drink that many ounces per day. Learn to deal with your stressors will help too. Forgive those who have hurt or offended you. Make sure you are right with God also makes one more positive and more alkaline.